What Adults are Saying
“This was our school's first time using STEAM Punk Kids as a fundraiser for our PTO. The program was aligned to the TEKS and enriching to our curriculum, the students were engaged and excited about STEAM in a way I've not seen before. The teachers were also excited with the fundraiser as well, since it was low-prep and high student engagement. We were very pleased, and are excited to have this fundraiser back in the future.”
— Principal
“Our PTO board loved the STEAM Punk Kids fundraiser. SPK did such a great job at keeping the students excited and engaged about all things STEAM, that they almost forgot they were fundraising for our school. The email templates were very easy to use and send out to all of our parents. The best part is that every student was able to participate in this fundraiser! Can’t wait to do it again soon!”
— PTO President
“I love that this encompasses the whole student. I love that everything is streamlined in one place and is so student and teacher friendly.”
— Kinder Teacher
“We are so excited about this event happening at our school. We are only on the kick-off day and already like it better than some of our past fundraisers!”
— Third Grade Teacher
What Kids are Saying
What are you most excited about for the STEAM Punk Kids event?